Thanks to all of you who attended the Facebook Live author reading of The Elect Stories yesterday! We enjoyed it so much, that we will, indeed, be doing more. In the meantime, we decided to go ahead and leave it up for others to take a watch of it at their convenience. Click through the link below, and enjoy!
Watch the July 11th Facebook Live Reading ANY TIME YOU LIKE!
The Elect Stories – website launched.
John Crye, , Announcement, News, 0
Back on January 2nd, SharpCrye Publishing announced March 12 as the date that our latest venture would be unveiled...
So, about Chapter Two…
John Crye, , Announcement, BTS, News, 0
For me, the hardest part of writing this book is talking about it now that it is written. I...
Coming of Middle Age
John Crye, , Announcement, Developing The Story, Thoughts, 0
When I moved from Boston to Los Angeles in 1996, the plot of what would become “The Elect Stories”...
Chapter 9 is NOW available!
John Crye, , Announcement, News, Story, 0
“Delving Deep, or, The Macabre Misadventures of Misters Scrivener, Bellwether and Guess” arrives today, bringing with it the return...
The Beginning of the End
John Crye, , BTS, Developing The Story, News, 0
Back in August, a reader commented that Chapter 5 – in which (no spoilers) Arden Clarkson makes his first...
The End of the Beginning
John Crye, , Announcement, Designing The Characters, Story, 0
A friendly reader recently commented that this month’s chapter – “Argument, or, The Raising of the Elect” – could...
“New Stories for a New Year” or “How Twelve Makes One”
John Crye, , Announcement, BTS, Designing The Characters, Designing The World, Developing The Story, News, Thoughts, 0
Now that the first twelve chapters of “The Elect Stories” have been released for a bit, it seems like...
I’m on Good Reads… Again! But Different!
John Crye, , Announcement, News, 0
I’ve started a new Author Profile on Good Reads! I’ve been on Good Reads for a while, though I...