“Fathoming, or, The Width of a Circle” arrives today and it is the biggest installment
yet – a whopping 153 pages of gripping adventure! We pick up where we left
Palm and Timriel back in #8, bringing the wounded Rider of the Wyrn to the one
safe place they know in Vessena, the home of the Thieftaker General, Jonathan
Guess. This time the story is told in flashback, as remembered by the fugitive calling
himself November Clark as he flees for the far-off land of Maraskat aboard a pirate
vessel. This month’s cover features a new portrait by Todd Sharp. It is our first look
at November, seen standing on the deck of The Black Bastard, his eyes searching the
rigging above. Searching for what? To find that out, you’ll have to look inside…
The Elect Stories, #10: “Fathoming, or The Width of a Circle” is now available
exclusively on Amazon – $0.99 Kindle, $5.25 paperback.