Chapter 9 is NOW available!

Chapter 3 is now available via Amazon Kindle
John Crye, , Announcement, 0
With a new month comes a new installment, and this month’s story is one we’ve been looking forward to...
The End of the Beginning, or, Closing out Volume One of The Elect Stories
John Crye, , Announcement, BTS, Developing The Story, News, Story, Thoughts, 0
A friend of mine who has diligently purchased every installment of “The Elect Stories” upon its release recently made...
Coming of Middle Age
John Crye, , Announcement, Developing The Story, Thoughts, 0
When I moved from Boston to Los Angeles in 1996, the plot of what would become “The Elect Stories”...
Jonathan Wild, The Real Thief Taker
John Crye, , BTS, Designing The Characters, Designing The World, Story, 0
In Chapter 4, we meet Jonathan Guess, a young man who rises to power in the city of Vessena...
Chapter 11 is available NOW!
John Crye, , Announcement, News, Story, adventure, book, fantasy, the elect stories, 0
The end is near! “Reckoning, or A Gathering Darkness” is the second-to-last chapter in this volume and it’s now...
Watch the July 11th Facebook Live Reading ANY TIME YOU LIKE!
Todd Sharp, , Announcement, Events, News, Uncategorized, 0
Thanks to all of you who attended the Facebook Live author reading of The Elect Stories yesterday! We enjoyed...
I’m on Good Reads… Again! But Different!
John Crye, , Announcement, News, 0
I’ve started a new Author Profile on Good Reads! I’ve been on Good Reads for a while, though I...
Ready to Cross The Threshold?
John Crye, , Announcement, Developing The Story, News, 0
Enjoying your summer? Us, too! If you’ve been taking your Kindle along to the beach or the pool or...