John Crye, March 27, 2017April 4, 2017, Announcement, BTS, News, 0 I recently joined GoodReads and according to them, I have hundreds of Facebooks friends over there. Stop in and sit a spell! I even posted the first scene from chapter one of “The Elect Stories” for your reading pleasure!
+ I’m on Good Reads… Again! But Different! John Crye, February 18, 2021February 18, 2021, Announcement, News, 0 I’ve started a new Author Profile on Good Reads! I’ve been on Good Reads for a while, though I...
+ Write HOW you know. John Crye, March 22, 2017April 4, 2017, BTS, Thoughts, 0 I enjoy working with other writers as a coach, editor or general sounding board. It’s something that I do...
+ SPOILER ALERT? “Previously On…” A Fast Refresher Before Chapter 8 John Crye, April 10, 2023April 10, 2023, Announcement, News, Story, 0 “The Elect Stories” is back! After a pause to catch up on our paperback releases, brand new chapters are...
+ The Beginning of the End John Crye, November 18, 2021November 17, 2021, BTS, Developing The Story, News, 0 Back in August, a reader commented that Chapter 5 – in which (no spoilers) Arden Clarkson makes his first...
+ The F Word… John Crye, March 16, 2017April 4, 2017, BTS, Story, Thoughts, 0 The first chapter of “The Elect Stories” has been available for just a couple of days, but already I...
+ Mapping Out Story (in my trusty red Maps notebook) John Crye, March 25, 2021March 23, 2021, BTS, Designing The World, Developing The Story, 0 I am fascinated by story structure. That’s why I’ve created my own “day job” as an editor and development...
+ The Elect Stories – website launched. John Crye, March 13, 2017April 4, 2017, Announcement, News, 0 Back on January 2nd, SharpCrye Publishing announced March 12 as the date that our latest venture would be unveiled...
+ Phase Two! Todd Sharp, April 10, 2017April 10, 2017, Announcement, News, 0 This weekend marks a month since we released the first chapter of “The Elect Stories” — and we can’t...